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Alumnus Success story-Oluwatobi Shittu #waveacademies

Tobi Shittu
Employer-Sweet Kiwi
Role- Manager

Tobi applied to WAVE to build himself and make enough money to save for his long-term goal of being a farmer. Prior to WAVE,he was a job seeker. He heard about WAVE online and registered immediately. Tobi's most challenging experience at WAVE was the discipline;enforcement of rules and the penalties for each one but I enjoyed the challenge because that's what my body needed. Discipline is everything.It takes discipline to control your emotions in the face of anger.It takes discipline to mind your speech when relating with your colleagues who may be of different cultural stands,He stated.

His most memorable experience at WAVE was the day of graduation. I never wanted to leave anymore.The three (3) weeks breezed like three (3) days. The training was fun and engaging.I knew after my graduation I may not see my mates quite as often like before. 
What surprised him the most about the training was how the classes were structured. Everything revolved around core values of WAVE.It let me develop my own values and straighten my life afterwards.

Tobi secured a job with a yoghurt company as a customer experience manager. He stated that the most challenging part of his job is managing his team members.Different people different behaviours.Some may not show up to work until you call and that's when they tell you they are sick.Some may even ignore tasks so I have to know how to achieve with team members individually in order to achieve the goal of the company.

Tobi explained that the  most important skill he learned at WAVE is emotional intelligence which he applies on the job because it has helped him to gauge individual staff members' emotions and tailor his to theirs so that everyone is ultimately in sync with what needs to be done.

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