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Alum case study- Andrew Ayim

Andrew Ayim
Waiter, Craft Gourmet

Andrew learned about WAVE from an alumnus. Prior to this, he was a job seeker. He had lost his job because his former employer closed down the hotel where he worked. He came to WAVE because he heard that he could get a job – exactly what he needed desperately at the time.

On getting to WAVE, what fascinated Andrew the most was the quality of the training he encountered; how very intensive and mind-opening he found it.

Andrew job-shadowed at Southern Sun where he learned how to lay bed and how to use a dry-cleaning machine. He also worked with the Career Services Department (of which company?) as an intern. This was where he picked up skills on data management.

He was able to secure a job three months after going through WAVE Academy. He got employed as a waiter at Craft Gourmet Restaurant. In his seven months on the job, Andrew’s biggest lesson has been “that getting the job is not really what matters; keeping it is the real work’’.

The most important skills he learned at WAVE, which he applies on his job, are time management and listening.

His advice to other WAVERS is that “they should put to practice what they learn at WAVE and uphold the values of the 

Leadership is not just about giving energy ... it's unleashing other people's energy.” – Paul Polman

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